Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Veronica teaches respect for women

I have to say, I am impressed with Veronica. This woman is married to Berlusconi, Italy's Prime minister, and is 20 years the man's junior. But, she knows when her gender is disrespected and she doesn't mince words. After making flirtatous comments to several women, Berlusconi angered his wife who demanded a private apology. Failing that, she demanded a public apology. Her reasoning was clear:

"This line of conduct has a sole limit, my dignity as a woman," Veronica said. "Today for my female children, already adults, the example of a woman capable of defending her own dignity in her relationships with men takes on a particularly significant importance."

He made a public apology. Women, take note. She doesn't expect a man to defend her dignity. She can defend her own dignity quite well. It would be nice if all women realized that lesson.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Can't A Woman Go To Church Alone And Not Be Accosted?

I take it men think that churches are good places to meet chicks. Some of us are there because we are meditating or praying! Duh! Maybe the Muslims have it right and church should be segregated so we women don't have to sit next to men who have been trying to get our attention over and over. It doesn't matter that you move, they're there following you sometimes. It doesn't matter if you're downright nasty to them, they think you are having a bad day. No, I am not having a bad day! I am in church! Leave me alone!

You know, I made the mistake of going out with not one, okay, THREE men at one church, all at the same time. It was a ridiculous thing to do, I admit. I was just in a dumb mood, I guess - really stupid. Was it my fault they all asked me out the same week? I mean, I wasn't really going with any of them, so why say no to any of them? Well, I figured I had it planned out real good. You see, one only came on Wednesdays. Another only came for the 9 am service and the other came at the 11 am service. The one thing I hadn't counted on was that they might all decide to try to make the same service I was in. The day I walked in (after months of dating all three), I was late, thank god. I walked in and just about had a fit. I didn't sit with any of them because if I had, the whole thing would have exploded. When the service was over, I immediately rushed out and left. Then, I dropped two of them. Eventually, I decided dating men at my church was just a very bad move. I was there to be in church, not to meet men. And the whole thing was rather retarded anyways!

So, I have a new idea for diamond merchants everywhere. You know they put out these marketing gimmicks for people to buy diamonds to advertise different things. Here's one: A diamond ring that specifically says, "Do not approach me. I am NOT available." I mean, really, must I put my damn engagment ring from my divorce back on my left hand just so men can stay the hell away from me at church? Is there not some sort of temporary body tattoo I can get that will scare the bejeezus out of any man and keep them out of my space?

Men, sometimes when we talk we aren't looking for solutions!

I guess it was hopeless and I just didn't see it. I was hoping to connect, not to be told what to do. What exactly is it about men that they think that we women can't think for ourselves? Honestly, I'm pretty damn sick of men who can't just sit with me for a moment in silence without being uptight. Please don't open your mouth. Please don't tell me what to do. And please, don't think you know what's better for me for my own life than me. I have done pretty well without you for a long time AND I've raised a daughter to boot. I don't assume you need some advice from me, so why don't you just try to connect next time instead of offering some blanket solutions that really weren't requested?

If women talked to men the way men talked to women they'd all have their panties tied up in a wad. Stop discounting us, okay? We really are grown-up and we really do make very good decisions for ourselves. Men!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Do you like USWeb's Ads?

Some of the ads in this blog are sponsored by Blogitive. Blogitive is owned by USWeb. They are a company that helps people optimize their sites for search engine searching. They offer Search Engine Optimization, PPC Bid Management, and Trusted Feed services to target the Internet's major search properties and drive self-qualified prospects to their customer's sites. Many bloggers have liked using them to monetize their blogs but some people feel the advertising should be promoted as advertising, otherwise, it looks like blogger is promoting or recommending specific produces while they are being paid to do so.

Personally, I have no opinion. Some of their ads are good and some are not. The blogger decides which ads to add to their blog and no one is making them do so. USWeb designs, develops, and implements custom web systems and integrated online marketing solutions that focus on brand awareness, audience development, and customer retention. So, it is not unlike many different IT solutions but with a marketing and Internet bent. In the end, I suppose, you the reader decides whether an ad is effective or not. However, if these blog ads were not effective, people would stop paying us to do them.

Breaking The Marble Ceiling

Nancy Peloski was elected Speaker of the House. She is adamant that she will not be the last woman to hold this position. Read here for a feminist take on that news. Although, I agree it is a huge step forward, I would still like to see a woman president. I'd vote for Hillary Clinton any day. I think she's got what it takes, and I think she's got enough connections to bring in a lot of good people with her.

A Mother's Influence Is For Better Or Worse

We know mothers are cherished everywhere for their ability to give of themselves. But, recently I heard of a story of a little boy whose mother got angry at him and sent him out to sleep in the shed. It was the dead of winter and very cold outside. This was the second time she'd done this to him. I kept thinking to myself: "What did he do to deserve this treatment?" It's hoped that when we look at our children we see the best in them and treat them with dignity. When mothers teach their children their own inherent dignity then they are more likely to turn around and treat other people with dignity. When they treat them improperly then our children are scarred for life and, sadly, it influences all of society. Are there reasons someone can ever treat their children with so little human kindness? Is this a case of tough love or child abuse? The children on this planet are all our children. Is this mother in such difficulties that she hasn't anymore love to spare, even for her own children. The whole thing is very sad, but as mothers we are still responsible for the influence we have on our children. In turn, they will carry that with them for the rest of their lives either as a testament to your kindness or signpost for the errors of your ways.