Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas: A Racist, Classist Holiday

Just check out Craigslist for all the people with not enough money to get presents for their kids and yet they've been told they have to and it has to be done on December 25th. Since rich people are better able to meet those social expectations, I now proclaim Christmas a racist and classist holiday. For one, Jesus is always portrayed as a white caucasian when we all know he was darker-skinned or olived complexion like most jews of his time. But, it doesn't matter! We've been commercialized to believe that Jesus would have liked his birthday being used to promote more hardship on the poor and downtrodden. As I thought about it, if it were my birthday being used for this type of oppression on other people, I'd have a fit and demand that no one celebrate my birthday! Enough is enough, folks...

Yes, I still hold that Christmas sucks...

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