Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas For The Divorced Single Mother

There's something that retailers need to figure out. They need to realize that Christmas is hellish for divorced single mothers. We're already worked to the bone all year long trying to make a living for our kids with no help from anyone, and then we got to add "important" stuff like putting up a Christmas tree, buying presents we can't afford, and all for naught when our ex's throw fits and entice our children away with ideas of fancy trips or extravagant Christmas' (which by the way they let the new wife handle). I am not the only divorced single mother that thinks Christmas sucks as a holiday.

How about creating a different holiday for divorced singled mothers around Christmas time? Instead of us stuffing turkeys or baking hams, maybe you could go out and buy a meal for a single mother with children. Wouldn't that be a novel thought? Or maybe you could offer her a trip to a spa for God's sake. If Christmas is all about family time, divorce pretty much ruins this holiday unless you remarry. It's all work, no joy, and a bunch of fighting over who gets the kids.

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