Thursday, November 09, 2006

Single Women: A New Power Demographic

Forget Hispanics and white middle-class men! Single women are proving to be the swing vote in elections. It's estimated in this article that 20 million women did not vote in the 2004 election. However, the same is probably not true of the 2006 midterm elections. With a surge of vengeance, the American public wiped out the majority in both the House and Senate for Republicans. Single women and mothers are beginning to wake up to the power they have in American politics. Are we victims? Hell, no!

So, now that the Democrats are back in power on Capitol Hill some of the issues near and dear to women's hearts are coming back to the forefront: healthcare, education, and yes, security. Women are lionesses in protection of their children and their homeland. Do not mess with a mother protecting her children. It is these innate qualities that all mothers have that should mold politics on Capitol Hill and begin to change the values of competition in our society to cooperation.

These are exciting times to be a woman.

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