Thursday, December 14, 2006

Men like to separate, women like to unite

Sexist? Maybe so. It's just something I noticed lately. Most men like to separate things into distinct territories that they can divde and conquer. They don't like to get too close to anything because then they can not separate themselves from it and have some form of control over it.

Women, on the other hand, have been taught to unite and blend energies from the day they're born. They seek to make connections and to establish less boundaries and more unity of purpose.

I think this is all changing as we become more aware of stereotypes and our own inner task masters that deign one model of existence to be better than another. In Buddhist teachings, for example, it's taught in Shambalha tradition that to be present with that which discomforts you is more brave than to fight what you don't want to accept in your life. However, we always come across people who don't want to sit with their discomfort and who have built empires around the idea that they are separate from everyone else and somehow better. That's when women who notice this must learn to put their energies towards areas that do not support this type of creation. If we want our world to change, we have to change our own world first.

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