Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Woman In Labor

So, Christmas is around the corner. It's funny how we see manger scenes all over the place. You know the Bible is kind of odd. They talk about Mary giving birth and laying the infant Jesus in swaddling clothes. What I want to know is, did Mary experience pain in the childbirth? I know it's an odd question. But, here comes this Divine being and the first thing he does is create a lot of pain for someone?

Speaking of childbirth and pain. I've been hearing reports of doulas. Doulas are traditional spiritual laypeople who help women bear children through ritual, prayer, and other forms of spiritual counseling. What I want to know is, do they still have pain?

Okay, I know I'm obsessed.

Here's another thought. I knew a woman who didn't have pain during labor and her labor was ultra fast. How is that possible? She said the doctors didn't know but they asked for her placenta so they could study it for future reference. Talk about weird. So, it is possible to have a child without pain, just no one seems to know how it's done.

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